Friday, January 24, 2025

It’s no secret, women just love getting compliments.

So do men, but for women it is even more important. They thrive on the reassurance warm words of praise and encouragement can have on their fragile female psyches.

Paradoxically, women who state that looks are of secondary importance compared to personality and other character traits, absolutely love to get compliments on their own appearance.

So let’s start off with these types of compliments.


If your woman has just returned from the hairdresser – maybe spent a small fortune on a procedure that is barely noticeable – make sure you mention it the second she walks in the door.

“Wow, darling! Do they have a new hairdresser at the salon? I’ve never seen your hair look so good!”


When she comes back from the department store wearing a brand new outfit, tell her it’s amazing, and shows off her figure to the best advantage.

“Sweetheart, that new dress is stunning. And it takes pounds off you!”


Every now and again, ask her if she has lost weight (even if it looks like she has piled it on!)

“Baby, have you been on that diet again? Your body is looking hot!”


Women are obsessed with aging. For them, wrinkles are like cancer – sometimes worse.

“Hey, are you spending all my money on moisturizer again? Your wrinkles have practically disappeared!”

Other Types of Compliments Women Value

It is always good to point out that your woman is appreciated not only for the way she looks, but also for what she does.

Every now and then say that you love her and you really value her:

  • cooking skills
  • child-raising abilities
  • love for you
  • hard work to support the marriage
  • generosity to others
  • efforts to keep the family budget in the black
  • interior decorating skills
  • general hard work around the house
  • long hours at work to support your money-making efforts
  • attitude towards your relationship

Even if your girlfriend or wife is totally lacking in one or all of the departments listed above, your kind words of enthusiasm and encouragement will at least mean your chances of getting some physical loving from her will be higher.

Online Dating Compliments

When you are in the process of chatting up a girl online with a view to meeting in the real world, hit her with a barrage of compliments from the very beginning.

  • First, tell her that her amazing profile stood out from the other girls’ because of its originality and her attractiveness.
  • Then tell her you love to receive her interesting and flirty emails/messages.
  • Finally, tell her that she might look very beautiful online, but you are sure she is even hotter in the flesh.

These should see you well on the way to getting some nookie with your online babe!


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