Tuesday, October 22, 2024

If you do a search for online dating forums, one of the things you will find – sure as apples – is loads of whining and complaining posts from sad cases who feel hard done by on a dating website.

Sure, a lot of this grief and anguish is real and justified. But, on many occasions, these folks (men and women, but I’ve notice mainly males) are a bunch of cry babies. They have simply either had expectations that were much too high, or else they have not put in the effort required for even a modest amount of online dating success.

So, what are people complaining about?

1. Fake profiles of Women

Yes, this does happen. But there are many simple ways to spot these frauds (they can be computer robots, spam from other websites, foreign students earning pennies by pretending to be online daters, whatever). As a general rule, let your gut instinct be your guide. Ask some questions about current events, and any robots will fail to respond accurately. Sometimes the robot-women will engage you in very vague, yet highly flirtatious and sexy chat that is going nowhere. Fake profile alert!

If you stay with reputable and large dating sites, there will be plenty of real live, warm and willing women for you to contact. So look carefully, and you will easily spot the phonies.

2. Ripped Off Financially

Make sure you only pay the membership you can easily afford. Investigate the dating site you are thinking of joining very carefully. Read the forums if you must. I always warn that you will not find any quality women on free dating websites, but look on the bright side. At least you won’t lose any money while you sit around waiting for ever!

3. Dishonest Website Administrators

Yes, there can be problems with getting slack service from some dating websites. Without wanting to get into legal trouble by naming them all, once again I advise that you do a little Internet research and you will soon learn which website administrators will give you the service you should be getting, and which ones will ignore your messages and treat you like crap. Two that will give you top-class attention in Australia are AdultMatchMaker and RedHotPie.

4. The Women Members Are All Stuck-up Bitches

You are probably being ignored by women for valid reasons. You may be just the wrong type; your profile may suck; your initial contact messages may be wide of the mark as far as the woman’s personality is concerned.

My book and other articles around the site explain how you can understand what is causing this, and steps you can easily implement to avoid it happening on a regular basis. Try this article on dealing with online dating rejection. Having read this advice, you will begin to realize how much of a numbers game you are playing.

Honestly, if you just implement the super-easy online dating tips for men that are spread liberally around this website, you should have no reasons in the world to complain too harshly about Internet personals and online romance giving you a raw deal.


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